Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Finishing the new album meant I worked through the summer and didn't go to Ireland, so I am here now with my daughter. We've been seeing family and friends, and had a very special family gathering last Friday in the church where my mother served as church organist for many years. We spent the weekend with our good friends Deirdre and Jorge where they live in County Sligo between the ancient burial cairn of Maeve at Knocknarea and the wild Atlantic. Yesterday we travelled to County Mayo and are staying at our favourite hotel which has a fine swimming pool and a 300-year-old Mulberry tree on the grounds. On our way we met with a woman and her sister who were going to the town of Knock for a midweek break. Knock is well known because many years ago on a typical rainy night, some people witnessed apparitions of some holy figures suspended in air outside the local church. Hundreds of thousands have flocked there since to pray and touch the wall where this is said to have occurred. They have built a cathedral, an airport, and many shops.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Certain aspects of making an album can be likened to giving birth. There is a similar groaning that goes on inside when you're getting ready to let go and release into the world that with which you have formed an intimate connection, which has grown inside you, into which you have put so much of yourself. I was reminded of that this past week when, half way through the mix, that kind of feeling accompanied the realization that soon I will once again be sending out into the world these songs, expressing in words and music some captured moments of life experience that held deep meaning for me. It's been a long time coming - I did the first recording sessions in June 2008 - and it is very satisfying to be letting go. There are wonderful musicians and guests on this album and I'm feeling immensely grateful.